I just came back from Shah Alam tis morning. Go straight to the office. I need to submit the SLAI scholarships that I took from KPT to the HR department. I need a letter from the HR so that I could proceed with my visa application. And the HR people need these scholarship documents b4 they can produce a piece of paper stating that I am allowed by UMP to further my study. This piece of paper as simple as its seems is damn crucial for my visa application. Damn! I thought that I could just go straight to the British High Commission in KL. Becoz of 1 letter I have to travel back to Kuantan and go back to Shah Alam again 2moro. Huh.. tiring..
Well I was in Shah Alam since Monday. Got a meeting yesterday at SIRIM. I luv going to SIRIM. They would pay handsome honorarium money each time we (committee members tat is) attend their meeting. Sweet! But the meeting is only held once for every 2 months. If only the meeting are conducted every month or every week. Hehehe.. think bout the money I can make. But it is far from reality. Sigh… I involved in the Site Remediation Workgroup for the preparation of Malaysian Standards. We have a lot of problems related to contaminated sites in this country. Land scarcity is the main problem if proactive measures are not taken seriously now.
During yesterday meeting some of the members proposed to go for a site visit so that we can get a better view on what the issues going around related to our group. The next meeting will be held outside SIRIM and will also include site visits. I wont be here anymore to enjoy the trip nor the money. I’m going to UK soon and have to leave all of this behind…. I don wanna go now..huhuhu
Bila nak kena p?
zarief ada kat sini..
kirim salam dengan ko..rindu kata'nya..ha ha
masyuk gila drive shah alam balik kuantan bali shah alam... le tour de yuhyi ya?
duit claim pun masyuk so lg byk travel lg baguih.. rasa cam dpt bonus sebulan gaji.. nyar har har
So kene la banjer.. M beso!!! :)
Btw, as childish as it sounds, I've tagged you! Hehe..
We want updates! We want updates! :p
sy x kenal awk, awk pun x kenal sy. tp sy berminat kerjasama awk dgn sirim tentang development standard for soil remediation in Malaysia. Bole sy tau lebih lanjut? ni email sy: amanifiza@yahoo.com. Sy brharap sgt dpt info brguna drpd awk. Thanks..
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