The rebranding of the university and the new launched logo will hope to strengthen and boost the working spirit of UMP's associates. Other university college does not change their logo but merely change their name to a full university status. Vice versa, our university changed to a new logo. The logo in my opinion is not as eye soothing as the previous logo.It looks too plain and simple. The idea of the logo is a pair of tusk (gading) that represents the menara gading and the icon of the state of Pahang. Do u see any gading there? I don see no gading.. sigh! I dislike this entire abstract thingy. Whose idea is it anyway?
The first thing that came into my mind the first time I set my eyes on it was that the logo resembled a logo of a private company Umpan Holdings Berhad. The only difference is that the Umpan has a U shape logo instead of a V. Other that than they are all the same. The color scheme matches the ones in Umpan Holdings. Well it's a small world after all. The university also rearranges the motto from technology, engineering, creativity (UTEC) to engineering, technology and creativity. Our core business is engineering after all and has to be put up front.
After a long wait at last all outstanding work can now be acomplished. Previously most of the works were on hold due to unavailability of a logo. Letterheads, envelope, exam answer sheets, exam questions u name it, all printed materials have to remain on hold. Even we lecturers did not get to reload our long gone business card and we were not allowed to use our official stamps even for internal use. Now that the logo is out I hope that we can get all the delayed jobs done.
Personally I don like the new logo. But what the heck as long as I got my job, I'm a happy man. I'm busy with my preparation for my PhD anyway. Why should I even bother.. but still it gets on my nerves everytime I came across this lousy new logo.
Heheh, ok jek Yuhyi! Takde la sight for sore eyes.. btw, bile nak smbg ni?
jz came across ur blog. haha x sangke staff pn xske logo tu. igtkn student je yg kutuk dlu. kui2
it's really terrible and i still can't believe they pay a lot of $ for some silly piece like this *sigh*
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