My cousin just got married last weekend. The wedding ceremony was supposed to be a celebration. People get excited, happy and all. But that was not the case. The truth is, it was not a dull event nor a disaster occured during the ceremony. So why's the title sad wedding? Simply becoz I was not there to experience the event. I was not invited.
A lot of things happened lately. As I can recall, the wave of change struck us right after my grandma passed away. Now everything is haywire. Blood is no longer thicker than water. We are no longer a family. We are on our own.
Most of my uncles and aunts including my dad were offended by my "uncle" action for not inviting us to his daughter's engagement day. From there on they were not satisfied and planned not to attend the wedding. Not suprised, he did not call or showed up at our door step to invite us to the wedding. He did send the invitation card though but there was no spirit in it, just like ajak2 ayam only.
So on that wedding day, me and my family just stayed at home, pretending nothing happened on that day, one of my aunty continue her business as usual, some of my uncles went on a holiday. There was no special occasion on that day, well not on our calendar of course. So in the end how would the bride and the bridegroom feel when their closest relatives did not attend their wedding?
I don know when will this ends? I'm hoping that this sick cycle carousel will eventually stop spinning. I really missed those days where we gathered together and have a lot of fun... as a family.