I can still remember clearly, during that time I was in standard 6, preparing for my UPSR. My Pak Long said that this product is very good and can increase the creativity and the awareness of the mind. Well short version of the story, me and my siblings started taking the examo. I did experience the difference. I felt a bit clever if not much.., it did hightened my concentration skills and improved my memory. How does it taste like? something like glucose. Sound good to be true? But it does have some limitation. While taking the examo there are certain food that we need to avoid, there are pantang larang. But after awhile we stopped taking the examo. Just becoz we were matured enuff to self train ourselves.
A few months back me and my dad went to Taiping for a work visit to contaminated sites. On the PLUS highway we saw this billboard with the Examo ad on it. My father asked me to write down the numbers. So we called and went to the shop in Taiping, and bought a few box of the examo. So currently my lil sis is taking the examo, she is very clever but she is quite lazy in her study and lacks concentration. I hope that she will get benefits from examo. Only time will tell.
If anybody is interested u can go to era edar website to know more, just type it on google. I'm not an agent and I'm not promoting their product. But I know one lecturer in USM that is an active agent. So for arwah Prof Azizan, I hope that Allah will bless him and placed him among the soleheen. Amin.
Saya adalah staff era edar marketing sdn bhd..Saya megucapkan terima kasih atas special teribute ini..Saya harap anda akan terus menggunakan examo dan dalam masa yang sama peromosikan produk@harta yang diamanahkan oleh Almarhum untuk kebaikan semua anak bangsa kita..sepertimana yang beliau sendiri begitu mengambil berat soal minda anak bangsa kita..
hye yuhyi..
i've been using this examo since i was in kindergarden...
btw, the purpose of my comment here is that i wanna share my expression towards the incident of him.
i was also in a big shot as soon as i received the news from my dad..my parents n i were then hv had reached to his house to gv him our last visit or i would say our last respect.
telling u the truth, my childhood's memory is half-fulled with him. until now, i still can capture the memories and clearly visualize every scene i had with him.
he was such a caring gentle old man and i would say, his 'gone' has affect me somehow...
and a token of appreciation like u did, i appreciate it very much and well...let him remain in peace and God bless
Thank to God, I also get the improvement after using examo.
Penghasilan examo oleh beliau merupakan suatu yg sgt bernilai. Pemergian Prof Dr Azizan Ismail merupakan kehilangan yg besar.Sayang skali beliau sudah pergi sebelum usia tua..emm,beliau meninggal sbb ape ye..?
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